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Transforming Leaders, Elevating Businesses

Hello! I’m Virpi Tervonen, a Certified Executive and Mental Fitness Coach dedicated to the growth and transformation of entrepreneurs and Founder CEOs.

My mission is to guide you to think, feel, and lead with renewed confidence and clarity. I am passionate about helping entrepreneurs live a joyful and fulfilling life. They do this while growing healthy, profitable, and exceptional businesses.

Why I Do What I Do

I believe entrepreneurs are the change-makers with a positive impact. That’s why I am so passionate about your entrepreneurial success.

Entrepreneurship is not just about managing a business. It’s also about leading with vision, resilience, and a sense of purpose, and enjoying a fulfilling life.

Over the years, I’ve discovered that sustainable business growth doesn’t come from traditional business consulting. It comes from expanding the leader’s capacity and renewing their identity.

My clients have achieved remarkable results by using this fresh perspective to common challenges. They’ve experienced large revenue growth and significant personal transformations. They did this without an array of consultants.

Thanks to Virpi, I sharpened my own areas of expertise, increase business earnings fivefold, and above all, to take responsibility for my future by doing the right things in the right order. 

Teemu Kinnunen

Founder CEO

If you are a business leader looking for a strategic partner to support you in making a critical shift in your business, I highly recommend Dr Virpi as a business strategist.

Rachel Dungan


Working with Virpi is a treat. Using a unique blend of very clear systems and a positive attitude and regular coaching, I completely changed the way I approach life.

Simon Cariss


Virpi’s coaching has clarified my thoughts tremendously. The best thing was to find a new confidence in my own abilities and possibilities. Now I know how to take my time, rely on clarity and ‘produce fruit’.

Liisa Uusitalo-Arola

Business Owner

The outcomes speak for themselves, but the internal growth I’ve experienced is the true highlight. Virpi’s coaching didn’t just provide me with a strategy; it empowered me to become a more confident and focused entrepreneur.

Srikanthan Kumarasamy


My Approach

My coaching focuses on creating sustainable success. When both you are feeling well and your business is operating smoothly, it facilitates growth and progress. It also enables a more fulfilling and harmonious life.

I work with you to:

01. Renew Your Self-Image

Feel more positive and connected. Gain newfound confidence and inner peace. Unlock your potential to handle more complex challenges with ease and resilience.

02. Refine Your Role As A Leader

Shift from an ‘employee-CEO’ to a real CEO.  Have a more independent and engaged team. Have time and energy on activities that excite and stimulate you. 

03. Focused Business Building

Have clarity about your direction, priorities and ambitions. Focus more powerfully on what really matters in making your business thrive.

My coaching will be tailored to your needs and desired outcomes. While I use results-backed frameworks and strategies, my coaching is never formulaic. You, your wellbeing, and your progress are the priority.

How I Coach

In daily life, we often get caught in repeating patterns, turning into barriers that keep us safe yet stuck. Changing our mindset on our own is tough.

My coaching aims to free clients from these patterns, highlighting outdated thinking and sparking growth.

Rooted in positive psychology and strategic thinking tailored to individual needs, I combine evidence-based frameworks with intuition and foster a space for exploration and growth.

Our sessions offer a safe environment to discuss thoughts and feelings, promoting discovery without judgement.

We’ll challenge existing thought patterns and beliefs. This starts a shift that begins in the mind and influences all aspects of life. Your thoughts and actions will align better with your personal aspirations and values.

Whether stuck in personal life or business, my guidance helps uncover necessary insights and strategies. Together, we’ll overcome barriers to a fulfilling life and business growth.

Who I Work With

Thriving as a founder can be both draining and challenging. Achieving success doesn’t always mean having control or freedom over your business or life.

I partner with driven individuals with special focus on those in the health, wellness, tech, or sustainability sectors. They lead small to medium-sized enterprises, and are navigating through various business challenges.

These hurdles include:
  • Focusing too much on day-to-day operations. This has led to a lack of strategic leadership.

  • Feeling uncertain about how to get ahead and which decisions are right for them, and their business.

  • Being unclear about what they truly desire or excel at. They are eager to create something new or innovate but unsure of where to begin.

  • Knowing what to do but cannot execute. Invisible barriers slow or halt progress.

  • Facing challenges with team engagement. They also experience hurdles with partners, investors, vendors, and clients.

  • Overwhelming responsibilities and unrelenting tasks limit their vision for the future. They feel busy, stressed, and stretched thin.

  • Stagnation in business growth. They struggle with attracting and retaining the right talent.

  • Fear that pursuing new things will damage what they have already created.

  • Worrying about not being able to manage the demands of the next level of success. They struggle to cope with current challenges.

If any of these apply to you and you want help, the next step is simple: book a call with me. 

We’ll chat about the most pressing issues in your business. We’ll also discuss how to best move toward your desired outcomes.

Let's Connect

Your journey to leadership transformation and business growth starts with a conversation. 

If you’re ready to explore how expanding your personal capacity can lead to extraordinary business success, I invite you to have a clarity call with me.

Together, we’ll create a strategy tailored to your unique needs and aspirations, backed by results from leaders just like you, across the globe.

Your business doesn’t just need another consultant. It needs a renewed you!

Professional Credentials

Choosing a coach qualified by reputable organisations and equipped with the right skills and experience is key. My credentials show my commitment to excellence. They are backed by recognized standards and much practical experience.

Qualifications and Certifications

Certified Executive Coach (CEC)

Accredited by The Center of Executive Coaching. This certification shows my expertise in executive coaching. As a trained executive coach, I help business leaders improve their leadership, decision-making, and strategic thinking.

Certified Mental Fitness Coach (CPQC)

This certification is from Positive Intelligence. It equips me with advanced techniques to improve clients’ mental fitness. I help them overcome self-sabotage, reduce stress, and enhance performance through positive psychology and cognitive-behavioral strategies.

Ph.D. in Comparative Molecular Physiology

I defended my Ph.D. in the Medical Faculty of the University of Oulu, Finland. The skills and critical thinking I developed in my scientific career have been invaluable during my entrepreneurial journey. They help me understand and use complex problem-solving strategies in business coaching.

BioPD in Biotech Entrepreneurship

I did a postdoc in biotech entrepreneurship. It gave me a strong base in startup development, innovation management, and commercialization. It united my science expertise with business skills.


A Decade of Coaching Experience 

My experience is extensive. It has enabled me to empower a diverse range of entrepreneurs and leaders. I help them achieve their fullest potential and enjoy a more joyful life.

International Coaching Engagements

I coach people globally. My clients are across Europe, Asia, and beyond. They show my ability to work well across cultures.

Collaboration with Renowned Experts

I’ve been fortunate to work with top figures in self-development and elite schools. They’ve enriched my coaching practice with many insights and techniques.

Entrepreneurial Background

Before starting my coaching business, I founded and ran two businesses. They were a small business consulting firm and an information marketing business. These ventures gave me firsthand experience in entrepreneurship. I learned about business growth strategies and the challenges small business owners face.

My Journey

When I meet new people, they often ask about my name. Virpi Tervonen (pronounced vɪr-pɪ tər-vɒ-nən) is a Finnish name. My given name Virpi means “a new or fresh branch of a tree.”

Perhaps my name was an omen. I love nature. I have had a lifelong interest in understanding the natural world. Growing up, I dreamed of becoming the next David Attenborough. Later, I pursued studies in biology at university. 

My life has led me around the globe, including the USA (California), Germany, Malaysia, and Singapore. Singapore has been my home since 2004.

International experiences have enriched my cultural understanding and sparked my love for languages. Fluent in several languages, I am currently learning Mandarin Chinese.

At the centre of my life is my very dear daughter, who is currently studying physics at a university in Finland. I am so proud of her. She is a kind, curious, and determined person who shares my love for nature and the living world. 

My path started with a Finnish upbringing. It then went through global adventures. I experienced the joys and challenges of motherhood, career changes, and business transitions.

All this shapes who I am. These experiences enrich my coaching. They give a diverse set of insights. They are grounded in appreciation for the growth, renewal, and understanding that come with embracing change in our lives.

Coaching for business leaders

Positive Mindset and Growth Strategies are the Best Tools to Develop
Your Business.

Virpi Tervonen

Certified Executive & Mental Fitness Coach

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